Technology and love for aesthetics work together in the Pragliola world to give new life to the furniture in which the protagonist is the marble.
Technology and love for aesthetics work together in the Pragliola world to give new life to the furniture in which the protagonist is the marble that adapt itself to the creativity and originality of a modern and linear style.
Until now we have imagined marble furnishings as elegant though extremely classic, rigid and immutable. Today, however, marble takes on new life and literally new shape, adapting itself to the creativity and originality of a modern design.
Since 2011, in fact, our company deals with internal design with topographical tools, thanks to which we can carry out surveys and proceed to a customized design of the customer.
Moreover, thanks to the help of technologically advanced machinery, in which we invest since the years 2000, we can personalize every choice of furnishing: from style, to measurements, to materials to create real design objects, working with Extreme accuracy and precision the raw material.
Through numerical control machines, the so-called CNC (Computer numerical control) is possible to work the drawing realized in CAD and reproduce it with a precision that arrives to the Nano millimeter.
Like any self-respecting work, however, this is not limited to the exactitude of execution, but it encompasses the taste for creative aesthetics and uniqueness. All finishings, glues, assemblages and tests are carried out rigorously by hand, to guarantee a result of undisputed refinement and unique in its kind.